Support Us

Help get rid of hate media in Australia

Why Support?

MFW is funded entirely by donations from incredible witches (like you) from around Australia. We refuse to accept advertisers or sponsors as this would compromise our total independence.

These funds are used primarily to pay several hard-working staff to do the never-ending work of collating information supplied by our large team of volunteers for the crucial spreadsheets at the centre of our campaigns, and for other purposes such as maintaining this website and the back-end help we need for our regular events and talks, and to keep operating efficiently.

In coming months MFW intend to attempt to set up a workable membership model but for now we’ve decided not to follow that route. Our main reason are that any membership model we instigate would involve exclusion of those unable to pay, and we’re not okay with that. In addition, we just don’t have the woman-power to administrate a membership base yet. This could change depending on the support we receive in coming months. For now, we hope witches will donate to help our work and will see themselves as an intrinsic and vital part of MFW via that selfless act alone.

How to Support

Donating to MFW means you’re part of ridding Australia of hate speech and lies, and is an incredibly powerful act. It’s far more powerful than simply whining on the internet! For men, in particular, helping MFW financially is a way you can take responsibility for the privilege you probably have as a result of being male.

Any amount of funding is critically important. As a guide, we ask Witches to pledge $2, $5 or $10 per month, although more financially privileged (or more politically desperate) Witches may be willing to offer $20, $30, $50 per month. It’s the long-term pledge to keep our work going that matters, but one-off amounts are welcome, too.

Setting up a monthly subscription through our bank account works best for most witches as no funds are taken by other entities as fees. This method also ensures all funds make it to MFW as we aren’t charged fees, either. Most witches set up recurring monthly debits using this account:

Bank account name: MFW Limited
BSB number: 633 000
Account number: 175178599

Alternatively, you can set up a payment via Patreon, or make either a one-off or regular payment via PayPal here:

Thank you so much for supporting our critically important work. It’s doing more good than you know.


To Your Brooms

If you care about your own future and that of others, get on board