#MurdochFreeWorld Crowdfunding

BREAKING: We’re gonna fuck up #NewsCorpse, witches.
Because we need our country back.
So today’s the day we ramp it up to 10.
But we can’t do it without the help of every single witchy witch.
This isn’t a new campaign, witches, but a re-invention of what we’ve already been doing.
Because we know what we do works, if enough participate.
And we also know that nothing else works: if it did, others with more money & power than us would’ve done it by now.
Here’s what we’re gonna do.
We’ll create a website and App which will enable all witches to more easily contact #NewsCorpse advertisers.
Every company which advertises with or boosts Murdoch media will be on the App lists, just as they’re on our website lists now.
And with the click of a button on your phone, you’ll be able to find those retailers and corporations, and tell them what you think of what they’re funding.
For example, let’s say you’re in the market for a new toaster.
You’re deciding where to buy it from.
You click into the App on your device, & choose from drop-down lists depending on what you want to buy, & your location.
This list will show you which toaster-sellers in your area fund or boost #NewsCorpse, and which don’t.
Of course, you buy from the one who doesn’t.
In this way, you’re voting with your wallet: against climate crisis, against #COVID19 denial, and against outrageous lies & propaganda.
But that’s not all.
Not only do you get to buy from ethical retailers, but you send a powerful message to those who refuse to do the right thing.
Because the App will also allow you to send an instant email to one or more retailers/franchisees you DIDN’T buy your toaster from, telling them why.
You can even upload a pic of the toaster-receipt you got from your ethical retailer, to show the non-ethical seller what they missed out on.
You can do this for any purchase.
Let’s say you’re already at the shops, hoping to buy a new outfit for a special occasion.
Using the location-finder in the App, you can instantly bring up a map of the ethical clothing retailers in your location, & those who … aren’t.
You can also use the App to NOT buy coffee from cafes who provide Murdoch papers for patrons.
You can use it to not use medical offices who play Sky News in their waiting rooms.
Any company helping Murdoch will be on the App, and you can avoid them like the proverbial. You can even use the App to advise us of companies you see who fund Murdoch, or who provide his material to customers or clients.
We’re so excited to bring this App and website to you.
But we won’t be able to do it without your help, because we need to not only fund the app but to fund the workers who’ll constantly update it with the latest information.
At present, MFW pay four employees, but this App will require more. The information we’ll need to daily process will be enormous, & we’ll need a bigger team of witches to do this.
The amount we’re asking for in this crowdfunder is around the minimum required. That amount will enable us to build the website and App and launch them to you: in fact, they’re already partly-built. But we’ll also need the funds to operate them on an ongoing basis.
As we’ve said before, paying women for their hard work is the ultimate feminist act. You can do that, and make Australia a better, fairer place too.
For this reason, we’re using Raisely instead of a traditional crowdfunding platform. Raisely allows you to sign up for a weekly or monthly payment instead of a one-off donation. We hope you’ll consider this. But even a small, one-off payment will make a huge difference. And if you prefer to use a bank account or Patreon instead of a credit card or PayPal through the Raisely site, you can still donate via the information at the bottom of this and every post.
This one action will make you forever part of a witchy collective determined to save us all from Murdoch.
Get on board.
To your brooms.
We can do this, and we must.
Because even if #ScottyFromCarpeting loses the next election, that doesn’t remove the Murdoch danger.
We’ll win this fight.
With your help.
Read more here: